Monday, June 1, 2009

I'm gonna need more yarn...

I'm going through a few purse prototypes. I have enough fabric for a few linings, so we'll see how it flows. Yarn, however, I'm running out of. Let's just hope I find a job soon. I have more follow up calls to make this week, so we'll see. It's all I can do, really.

In other boring news, Maggie is driving me insane with her wanting of all the stuffed animals in the house. I keep telling her they're not frickin' puppies and that screw waiting for more money to come in. I'll spay her myself. I know how to use scissors, and Nick can hold her down, right? Right?! Cause right now she's scratching behind my couch to make a den for her invisalitter. MY COUCH.

So I've locked away all the stuffed animals hoping if she can't see them, her hormones will go to normal quicker. Which is bullshit because all she does is cry and stare at the cabinet I put them in and then dives back under my couch just to be a bitch (ha ha).

There is a free spay and neuter clinic for low income families here, but Nick doesn't want to use it for who knows what reason. Fuck it. I'm going to take her there, say she's my dog and I'm currently looking for work. You don't get more low income than that, my friends. SPAY THIS DOG. PLEASE. BEFORE I KILL HER. And her owner for being so irresponsible and stubborn. OMG.


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