Monday, February 8, 2010

Goddess Painting I

So I'm going to go through how I'm doing this painting step by step as was suggested in the comments of the previous post (awesome idea, Lyneya!).

First and foremost, I have to have music on. I can't paint in silence, I've always painted along with music and for me it's as important as my brushes are because without it my brain just won't shut off.

When I paint I'm in another world in my head (Nick won't even bother trying to get my attention because I seriously shut off from everything and won't hear him) and the music shapes where that world will take me and the direction of the art as well.

I find I base my colors on what a song is making me feel. So before I start anything, out comes the iPod.

During this painting I've been listening to a lot of Black Lab's Passion Leaves a Trace album, various Richard Marx songs (sigh), La Ventura, and a bit of Disturbed thrown in there because I need my hard rock!

I will then lightly sketch out what I had in my head and will make notes on the work itself like, "this should glow over here" or "fade this out". I erase these as I go along, but they help me keep the details in mind that I wanted.

I'll go through my painting process in the next post, it's almost time for Maggie's vet appointment so I gotta get a move on!


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